HOUSE ASSEMBLIESOur four houses (Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring) get an opportunity to organize and lead the school assembly on a weekly basis.
TALENTIMENever ending opportunities to showcase your talents and experience moments of fame and applause.
FIELD TRIPSVisiting places of interest is a humbling first-hand experience of things we think we already know about.
CELEBRATIONSTo remember the past, to honour the heroes, to pay tribute, to respect the leaders, to share the joy, the reasons are plenty and every new day calls for a special celebration.
CAREER AWARENESSFor our senior students, knowing the destination and understanding the paths are equally important as the knowledge you gain.
EXCURSIONSWe believe in giving our children days of fun and memories to cherish for a lifetime.
SPORTS DAYYou don’t win Silver, You lose Gold. Bring out the Champion in you. Be a sport.
SARGOLTSAVAMPrepare, rehearse, perform - experience a stage where your talents define you.
COUNCILING & MOTIVATIONSessions that inspire our kids to go a step further and chase their dreams with passion and confidence.
SPECIALISED TRAININGSKarate, Kho-Kho, Volley-ball, Dance – you name it and we might just have it for our kids!
SAHODAYAThe basket of opportunities provided by the Vanchinad Sahodaya School Complex.
TRINITY SOCIAL SERVICE UNITOur kids join together with a motto ‘Together to Serve’.